Variable supabaseBrowserClientConst
supabaseBrowserClient: { instance: default<Database, "public", { CompositeTypes: {}; Enums: {}; Functions: {}; Tables: { feedback: { Insert: { created_at?: null | string; description?: null | string; email?: null | string; id?: number; screenshot?: null | string; type?: null | string; user?: null | string; user_agent?: null | string; }; Relationships: [{ columns: ["user"]; foreignKeyName: "feedback_user_fkey"; isOneToOne: false; referencedColumns: ["id"]; referencedRelation: "users"; }]; Row: { created_at: null | string; description: null | string; email: null | string; id: number; screenshot: null | string; type: null | string; user: null | string; user_agent: null | string; }; Update: { created_at?: null | string; description?: null | string; email?: null | string; id?: number; screenshot?: null | string; type?: null | string; user?: null | string; user_agent?: null | string; }; }; profile: { Insert: { avatar_url?: null | string; created_at?: null | string; email?: null | string; id: string; name?: null | string; plan?: null | string; stripe_customer?: null | string; }; Relationships: [{ columns: ["id"]; foreignKeyName: "profile_id_fkey"; isOneToOne: true; referencedColumns: ["id"]; referencedRelation: "users"; }]; Row: { avatar_url: null | string; created_at: null | string; email: null | string; id: string; name: null | string; plan: null | string; stripe_customer: null | string; }; Update: { avatar_url?: null | string; created_at?: null | string; email?: null | string; id?: string; name?: null | string; plan?: null | string; stripe_customer?: null | string; }; }; project: { Insert: { annotations?: Json; configuration?: Json; created_at?: null | string; id?: string; model?: null | string; options?: Json; thumbnail?: null | string; title?: null | string; user_id?: null | string; }; Relationships: [{ columns: ["user_id"]; foreignKeyName: "project_user_id_fkey"; isOneToOne: false; referencedColumns: ["id"]; referencedRelation: "users"; }]; Row: { annotations: Json; configuration: Json; created_at: null | string; id: string; model: null | string; options: Json; thumbnail: null | string; title: null | string; user_id: null | string; }; Update: { annotations?: Json; configuration?: Json; created_at?: null | string; id?: string; model?: null | string; options?: Json; thumbnail?: null | string; title?: null | string; user_id?: null | string; }; }; }; Views: {}; }>; } = ... Type declaration
instance: default<Database, "public", {
CompositeTypes: {};
Enums: {};
Functions: {};
Tables: {
feedback: {
Insert: {
created_at?: null | string;
description?: null | string;
email?: null | string;
id?: number;
screenshot?: null | string;
type?: null | string;
user?: null | string;
user_agent?: null | string;
Relationships: [{
columns: ["user"];
foreignKeyName: "feedback_user_fkey";
isOneToOne: false;
referencedColumns: ["id"];
referencedRelation: "users";
Row: {
created_at: null | string;
description: null | string;
email: null | string;
id: number;
screenshot: null | string;
type: null | string;
user: null | string;
user_agent: null | string;
Update: {
created_at?: null | string;
description?: null | string;
email?: null | string;
id?: number;
screenshot?: null | string;
type?: null | string;
user?: null | string;
user_agent?: null | string;
profile: {
Insert: {
avatar_url?: null | string;
created_at?: null | string;
email?: null | string;
id: string;
name?: null | string;
plan?: null | string;
stripe_customer?: null | string;
Relationships: [{
columns: ["id"];
foreignKeyName: "profile_id_fkey";
isOneToOne: true;
referencedColumns: ["id"];
referencedRelation: "users";
Row: {
avatar_url: null | string;
created_at: null | string;
email: null | string;
id: string;
name: null | string;
plan: null | string;
stripe_customer: null | string;
Update: {
avatar_url?: null | string;
created_at?: null | string;
email?: null | string;
id?: string;
name?: null | string;
plan?: null | string;
stripe_customer?: null | string;
project: {
Insert: {
annotations?: Json;
configuration?: Json;
created_at?: null | string;
id?: string;
model?: null | string;
options?: Json;
thumbnail?: null | string;
title?: null | string;
user_id?: null | string;
Relationships: [{
columns: ["user_id"];
foreignKeyName: "project_user_id_fkey";
isOneToOne: false;
referencedColumns: ["id"];
referencedRelation: "users";
Row: {
annotations: Json;
configuration: Json;
created_at: null | string;
id: string;
model: null | string;
options: Json;
thumbnail: null | string;
title: null | string;
user_id: null | string;
Update: {
annotations?: Json;
configuration?: Json;
created_at?: null | string;
id?: string;
model?: null | string;
options?: Json;
thumbnail?: null | string;
title?: null | string;
user_id?: null | string;
Views: {};
Singleton for the supabase browser (client-side) client Gets frozen to prevent all changes and is consumed into a state in